Structural Engineering - Proudly serving Alberta

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Have you noticed a cracked foundation in your house? Is it getting larger and more concerning? Is there water involved?

Tips for Repairing a Foundation Crack    Tips for Inspecting and Repairing a Foundation Crack

We can help with that!

Cracked concrete or block foundation walls come in all sorts and sizes.  Some cracks are more concerning than others and may be signs of significant problems that should be addressed sooner than later.  Some cracks have been there forever since shortly after construction and may be of no significant concern at all.

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What to do?

Home owners have a number of options to consider when concerned about foundation cracking or damage.

-          Ignore it.  Not the best approach, but an avenue followed by many.  This option is certainly a gamble and caters to homeowners or renters who procrastinate or who just don’t care.

-          Hire a Contractor and get it fixed.  Some contractors are better than others – and we can help to point you in the right direction if that is all that you are looking for.  Give us a call and we can share our contacts with you free of charge.

-          Have us help.  Having our unbiased assessment and instruction is valuable for a number of reason:

o   Your crack may not require any repair at all!  Foundation repair contractors can not afford to recommend leaving cracks as is – however your HGI Engineer is motivated to minimize or eliminate your construction costs altogether. 

o   We work directly for reputable foundation repair contractors all the time – however homeowners who hire us directly receive the benefit of solutions tailored to their best interest

o   Peace of Mind.  We are the best to help you put to put to rest your concerns and understand your options. 

Call us today – or fill out the attached form and let us help you sleep at night.


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