Smart home buyers retain reputable home inspectors to go through the house before they buy. This cost is well worth the investment once you have committed to purchase, and banks often demand it before providing mortgages.
Home buyers, feel free to call and we can recommend reputable inspectors to help you with that job – free of charge. Talk to us and we can give advise on how to guide your home inspector to focus on important areas of the house before your purchase.
Good home inspectors know when to recommend structural engineering involvement. The following concerns should result in a recommendation to bring in our expertise:
- Signs of foundation settlement or shifting
- Damaged or modified framing elements
- Grading concerns
- Retaining wall problems
- Questionable additions or modifications
- Structures that appear to be leaning or deflected
- Evidence of damage due to fire, water, or otherwise
- PWF Wood Foundations
- Significant drywall cracking or damage to finishes
H Group Inc. engineers have been relied up by home owners and real estate agents since 2005 to provide valuable insite when buying or selling a home. Call us and we can arrange to meet with you right at the property.
- Are you buying a house with concerns? Call us and let us help!
- Are you selling a house and want to get ahead of inevitable questions from buyers? Call us and get our letter in your file – showing diligence and honesty which goes a long way with purchasers.
- Are you a real estate agent who needs help to bridge the gap between concerned buyers and a sale? Rely on our expertise and avoid risks associated with negligence.
- Are you a home inspector faced with a concern? Recommend us directly – avoid exposure associated with overstepping the bounds of your insurance by protecting yourself, your buyer, and your valuable realestate agent clients.
Edmonton 780-467-4251 - Calgary 403-503-1212
We Can Help with that!